When better indoor climate is the primary target

Exvent’s authorized contractor, Energima, has grown into a leading indoor climate and energy efficiency group in Norway, focusing on service contracts and long-term customer relations. We interviewed Sebastian Bruhn from Energima Bolig Service about their secret to success in the market.
Founded in 2003, Energima’s driving force has always been to deliver the market’s best solutions. Undoubtedly, this strategy has been very successful as the Energima Group consists of a total of 40 companies today. One of these is Energima Bolig Service, which specializes in heating, ventilation, and cooling services for residential buildings and housing associations.
– We have specialised companies doing new construction/renovations and service in the Energima Group. It is obvious that staff need different skills in the service business than at construction sites. When working in the service sector, you must be also creative, and capable of solving various problems for building owners, says Sebastian Bruhn, Service Engineer for Energima Bolig Service.
Good value for money
Sebastian Bruhn reminds us that in Norway, since 2010, it has been stipulated by law that all new apartments must have ventilation. The same applies when an older apartment is fully renovated. This has naturally affected the whole building services market. Nowadays, as summers are getting warmer, there is also a growing interest in cooling systems.
– We have cooperated with Exvent and Enervent Zehnder for approximately 10 years. They have outstanding service, so it’s really been an easy choice for us. Additionally, Exvent’s products are more premium than many others in the market. We want to provide our own customers with the best service and best products, not necessarily the cheapest price. I would rather call it good value for money.
According to Sebastian Bruhn Exvent has a no-nonsense and realistic approach when it comes to testing and certification of the units.
– We know we can trust the promises made by Exvent about their own products. This is extremely important to us as a professional customer. For us, it is also important to know that if something goes wrong, you get quick help from the manufacturer. With such a of partner, we do not need to argue with our customers. Happy customers are, after all, the common goal for all of us.
The finishing touch matters
Exvent’s units have a rotating heat exchanger, which is the most energy-efficient technology on the market. In addition to high heat recovery, the devices also provide cooling recovery in the summer. How important is this in Norway?
– Of course, technology matters. Still, I think it is the overall experience that sets products apart. It is the quality of the product that matters most to Norwegian customers, along with longevity. Exvent’s units have thick plating and better insulation. The products are manufactured in Finland, which is naturally an advantage.
And finally. What is the secret of Energima’s success?
– Our people. We take care of our employees. We have a flat structure where everyone is treated equally. That’s how the best customer service is created, confirms Sebastian Bruhn.