If pairing fails, you can reset the WiFi module using the reset magnet included in the product package. Hold the magnet on the WiFi module until the LED turns off for a few seconds. After the reset, your WiFi module will return to “not connected” status (see LED codes below). The reset may take up to 60 seconds.
NOTE! The WiFi module only supports wireless networks operating at 2.4 GHz frequency. 5 GHz frequency is not supported. Ensure that the wireless network operates on the 2.4 GHz frequency from the settings of the WLAN router.
Wifi module LED codes

WiFi module has no power
Check the cable connection and try to reset the WiFi module with a reset magnet.

WiFi module is unclaimed and in sleep mode
WiFi module hasn’t been paired with a phone yet and has gone to sleep mode due to inactivity. Reactivate the module by one of the alternatives:
- Swipe the side of the module with a reset magnet for 30-60 seconds.
- Power off the module by disconnecting and reconnecting the cable.
- Press ECO button on the eWind panel.

WiFi module is unclaimed and hosting a temporary WiFi access point
WiFi module hasn’t been paired with a phone yet and is waiting to be paired with a device. Access the eWind app on your phone and follow pairing instructions.

WiFi module is claimed and attempting to join a wireless network
WiFi module has been paired with a phone and is trying to join the wireless network you selected during pairing.

WiFi module is claimed and successfully joined a wireless network
WiFi module has been paired with a phone and has successfully joined the wireless network you selected during pairing.

WiFi module is claimed and hosting its own wireless network (no activity)
WiFi module has been paired with a phone. The module is working in local mode in its own wireless network (SSID mist-ewind-xx) without an internet access. No active clients connected. This mode is only used when there is no wireless home network available.

WiFi module is claimed and hosting its own wireless network (activity)
WiFi module has been paired with a phone. The module is working in local mode in its own wireless network (SSID mist-ewind-xx) without an internet access. Active clients connected. This mode is only used when there is no wireless home network available.
None of the above
Can’t find your LED code and already tried resetting the WiFi module? Unfortunately, it seems that your WiFi module may not be working correctly. Please, contact our customer support for assistance.